Professional Roofing and Gutter Repairs for Central and Northern Perth

When your patio or carport roofing or guttering needs expert repairs, trust the qualified roofing contractors at Modern Plastics & Pergolas. We offer professional roofing and gutter repair for all of Perth. Whether you need a minor fix on your roof or a new system of gutters, we can handle any job you need done.

Gutter Repairs

Gutters are designed to handle the wear and tear of rain and roof water runoff but aren't impervious to damage. Gutters run into a variety of problems, some of the most common being:

  • Clogs: Gutters become clogged when debris, such as leaves, builds up inside, preventing water from flowing freely.
  • Leaks or holes: Sharp objects, as well as deterioration, can cause both leaks and holes to appear.
  • Incorrect pitch: Gutters that aren't slanted enough won't lead water to the downspout, which means the water will build up and overflow or even cause the gutters to buckle under the weight.
  • If you have noticed any of these problems or others, call us today for professional inspection and repair.
  • Removing gutter leaves | Carine, WA | Modern Plastics & Pergolas

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Roof Repairs

If your roof is old, you will most likely need a replacement. But you may also need roofing services if your roof has:

  • Holes or leaks
  • Rust
  • Loose sheeting

Roofing and Gutter Contractor

Modern Plastics & Pergolas is an owner-run company, which means our owner oversees everything to ensure you get the highest quality of work. And with 30 years of experience, you can trust that any roofing or gutter service you need will be handled with precision and care.

Need roofing or gutter repairs for your patio? Call 0437 641 110 for top-quality service and solutions.

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